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    Fuel Tax Credits Rate Change – 3 February 2025

    Fuel Tax Credit rates can change regularly. It is important that you ensure you are using the correct rates when calculating your fuel tax credits dependant on the date the fuel was purchased. Current fuel tax credit rates are as follows: Rates for fuel acquired from 3 February 2025 to 30 June 2025 Eligible fuel typeUsed in heavy vehicles for…

  • Tax deduction denied for signature basketball shoe R&D

    The Federal Court has denied a sports company’s appeal to claim research & development incentives for the creation of an Australian signature basketball shoe. The Movie Air highlighted the importance of the signature Air Jordan shoe to Nike. While expected to sell around $3 million worth of shoes by its fourth year, the signature shoe eclipsed expectations raking in $126…

  • Tax and Tinsel Q&As

    Can you avoid giving the Australian Tax Office a gift this Christmas? The top Christmas party questions What can I do to make the staff Christmas party tax deductible or tax-free? Not have one? Ok, seriously, it’s likely that you will pay tax one way or another; it’s just a question of how. If you structure your celebrations to avoid…

    Taxation | Fringe Benefits Tax
  • ATO Scam Alert

    The Australian Taxation Office warn against new ATO impersonation scams currently circulating. The first of which, is an email containing a link for the recipient to reconfirm their details for their myID login. This email appears as if it has come from the ATO and is taking advantage of the recent change of ‘myGovID’ to ‘myID’ to trick the recipient…

    Taxation | General News
  • When overseas workers are Australian employees

    The Fair Work Commission has determined that a Philippines based “independent contractor” was an employee unfairly dismissed by her Australian employer. Like us, you are probably curious how a foreign national living in the Philippines, who had an ‘independent contractors’ agreement with an Australian company, could be classified as an Australian employee by the Fair Work Commission? The recent case…

    Business Advisory | Taxation
  • ATO focus on business tax and super debt

    The Australian Taxation Office are changing their approach to collecting unpaid tax and superannuation debts, focusing on businesses who refuse to engage with them and ignore their requests for payment. This approach, the Taxation Office believe, will make it fairer for compliant businesses that do the right thing and fulfil their tax obligations. Whether you operate a small or large…

    Business Advisory | Taxation | Superannuation
  • $81.5m payroll tax win for Uber

    Multinational ride-sharing system Uber has successfully contested six Revenue NSW payroll tax assessments totalling over $81.5 million. The assessments were issued on the basis that Uber drivers were employees and therefore payroll tax was payable. The Payroll Tax Act 2007 (NSW) imposes the tax on all taxable wages paid or payable by an employer. The Act also extends to contractors…

    Case Study | Taxation
  • Property and ‘lifestyle’ assets in the spotlight

    Own an investment property or an expensive lifestyle asset like a boat or aircraft? The ATO are looking closely at these assets to see if what has been declared in tax returns matches up. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has initiated two data matching programs impacting investment property owners and those lucky enough to hold expensive lifestyle assets. Investment property…

  • It wasn’t me: the tax fraud scam

    You login to your myGov account to find that your activity statements for the last 12 months have been amended and GST credits of $100k issued. But it wasn’t you. And you certainly didn’t get a $100k refund in your bank account. What happens now? In what is rapidly becoming the most common tax scam, myGov accounts are being accessed…

    Taxation | General News