
  • ATO fires warning shot on trust distributions

    The ATO has warned that it is looking closely at how trusts distribute income and to who. The way in which trusts distribute income has come under intense scrutiny in recent years. Trust distribution arrangements need to be carefully considered by trustees before taking steps to appoint or distribute income to beneficiaries. What does your trust deed say? An area…

    Trusts | Taxation
  • The ATO’s final position on risky trust distributions

    The ATO has released its final position on how it will apply some integrity rules dealing with trust distributions – changing the goal posts for trusts distributing to adult children, corporate beneficiaries, and entities with losses. As a result, many family groups will pay higher taxes because of the ATO’s more aggressive approach. Section 100A The tax legislation contains an…

    Business Advisory | Taxation | Trusts
  • What changed on 1 July?

    A reminder of what changed on 1 July 2022 Business Superannuation guarantee increased to 10.5%$450 super guarantee threshold removed for employees aged 18 and overSmall business GST and PAYG tax instalments lowered (the total tax liability remains the same, just the amount the business needs to pay through the year is lowered)ATO guidance on how profits of professional firms are…

    Business Advisory | Taxation | Superannuation | Trusts
  • The ATO’s Attack on Trusts and Trust Distributions

    Late last month, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released a package of new guidance material that directly targets how trusts distribute income. Many family groups will pay higher taxes (now and potentially retrospectively) as a result of the ATO’s more aggressive approach. Family trust beneficiaries at risk The tax legislation contains an integrity rule, section 100A, which is aimed at…

    Taxation | Trusts