
  • Company money: A guide for owners

    When you start up a business, inevitably, it consumes not just a lot of time but a lot of cash and much of this is money you have already paid tax on. So, it only seems fair that when the business is up and running the business can pay you back. Right? There a myriad of ways owners look for…

    Business Advisory | Taxation
  • Missed the director ID deadline? Now what?

    If you missed the 30 November 2022 deadline for obtaining a Director ID, the Australian Business Registry Services have stated that they will not take action against directors that apply for their ID by 14 December 2022. If you are required to but have not yet applied for your ID, you should seek an extension immediately to avoid fines and…

    Business Advisory | General News
  • ATO ramps up heat on directors

    Throughout March, the ATO sent letters to directors who are potentially in breach of their obligations to ensure that the company they represent has met its PAYG withholding, superannuation guarantee charge, or GST obligations. These letters are a warning shot and should not be ignored. The director penalty regime ensures that directors are personally liable for certain debts of the…

    Business Advisory | Taxation | Superannuation