
  • When overseas workers are Australian employees

    The Fair Work Commission has determined that a Philippines based “independent contractor” was an employee unfairly dismissed by her Australian employer. Like us, you are probably curious how a foreign national living in the Philippines, who had an ‘independent contractors’ agreement with an Australian company, could be classified as an Australian employee by the Fair Work Commission? The recent case…

    Business Advisory | Taxation
  • Payday super: the details

    ‘Payday super’ will overhaul the way in which superannuation guarantee is administered. We look at the first details and the impending obligations on employers. From 1 July 2026, employers will be obligated to pay superannuation guarantee (SG) on behalf of their employees on the same day as salary and wages instead of the current quarterly payment sequence. The rationale is…

  • $81.5m payroll tax win for Uber

    Multinational ride-sharing system Uber has successfully contested six Revenue NSW payroll tax assessments totalling over $81.5 million. The assessments were issued on the basis that Uber drivers were employees and therefore payroll tax was payable. The Payroll Tax Act 2007 (NSW) imposes the tax on all taxable wages paid or payable by an employer. The Act also extends to contractors…

    Case Study | Taxation
  • The Fringe Benefit Tax traps

    The Fringe Benefits Tax year (FBT) ends on 31 March. We explore the problem areas likely to attract the ATO’s attention.   Electric vehicles causing sparks In late 2022, the Government introduced a concession that enables employers to provide some electric vehicles to employees without incurring the 47% fringe benefits tax (FBT) on private use. The exemption applies to the…

    Taxation | Fringe Benefits Tax
  • Fixed-term employment contracts limited to 2 years

    From 6 December 2023, employers can no longer employ an employee on a fixed-term contract that: The changes were introduced as part of the Pay secrecy, job ads and flexible work amendments. See the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website for more details. Note: The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only.  It is not intended to…

    Business Advisory | General News
  • Workers owed $3.6bn in super guarantee

    Workers are owed over $3.6 billion in superannuation guarantee according to the latest Australian Taxation Office estimates – a figure the Government and the regulators are looking to dramatically change. Superficially, the statistics on employer superannuation guarantee (SG) compliance look pretty good with over 94%, or over $71 billion, collected without intervention from the regulators in 2020-21. The net gap…

  • Right to super to be enshrined in National Employment Standards

    The Government has announced that it will enshrine a right to superannuation payments in the National Employment Standards (NES). Currently, workers not covered by a modern award or an enterprise agreement containing a term requiring an employer to make superannuation contributions have to rely on the ATO to recover their lost superannuation entitlements. By bringing the right to superannuation into…

    Business Advisory | Superannuation
  • What do the ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ reforms mean?

    The Government’s ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ legislation passed Parliament on 2 December 2022. We explore the issues. The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed Parliament on 2 December 2020. The legislation is extensive and brings into effect a series of changes and obligations that will impact on many workplaces. The Bill also addresses many of the…

    Business Advisory | Taxation | General News
  • 120% deduction for skills training and technology costs

    The Government has reinvigorated the 120% skills training and technology costs deduction for small and medium business. An election ago, the 2022-23 Budget proposed a 120% tax deduction for expenditure by small and medium businesses on technology, or skills and training for their staff. This proposal has now been adopted by the current Government and details released in recent exposure…

    Business Advisory | Taxation